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Print in the marketing mix
Nov 03 2011 16:57:24 , 1916

There seems to be a lot of chit-chat of late about integrated marketing campaigns. An effective marketing campaign can't really be anything but integrated, however, especially these days when there are so many ways to get messages across. The integration helps ensure that messages are received across multiple channels, creating a sort of chain reaction that helps reinforce the message. And of course print is central to that process, making it key to the success of any marketing campaign, integrated or otherwise. Brand owners recognise this so many choose a print dimension to help reinforce messages sent using other media. From personalised direct mail to localised banners and signage, print is central to the media mix.


It isn't surprising that the major proponents of complex media campaigns are big brands. Smaller companies unfamiliar with complex marketing projects tend to be somewhat more cautious and less ambitious in their expectations. They don't really understand how to link media so their worries about investing in a large-scale marketing effort is understandable. That many lack the experience or expertise necessary to plan and execute major campaigns exacerbates the problem. Many smaller businesses, such as those operating without an ad agency's high-priced warm and fluffy blanket, need to be able to understand for themselves how complex media interact. For most of them this is a must-have, if they are to develop the confidence to stump up the readies.


So sign and display producers have an opportunity here. Signs and displays effectively constitute an additional print media channel, one that can support localised direct mail or print newspaper advertising. Signage, banners and the like should be part of any integrated marketing campaign so perhaps sign- and display-makers need to reach out more actively to small businesses who might be planning marketing campaigns. Brand owners already understand the importance of billboards and bus stops, but perhaps companies with smaller budgets need to be reminded not to forget the signage options when pushing integrated marketing messages. Highly targeted campaigns, for instance those conducted over a range of localities or market sectors, can create opportunities for complex sign and display work, including variable data content.


Linking signs, displays and even exhibition graphics to a broader campaign requires careful coordination of workflows, colour management procedures and all the other good stuff that ensures output accuracy. Tracking down the people responsible for complex campaigns is rather tougher, but ultimately it could be worthwhile.