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Zünd Given PrintStars Award
Dec 05 2011 15:17:32 , 1342

The PrintStars Award, the German printing industry’s prize for innovation, was recently given out for the best print products of 2011 and their manufacturers. The new Board Handling System from Altst?tten, Switzerland-based Zünd Systemtechnik AG, won first prize in the Post-Press technology category.

Aside from outstanding print products from print buyers, agents, and service providers, PrintStars also recognizes industry innovators and manufacturers in 13 categories. Besides Zünd, awards were given to such widely known companies as Bulgari Perfumes, BMW, Porsche, Audi, and Vorwerk. “We are exceedingly proud to be receiving this award, which will spurn us on to set the bar for innovation ever higher and further develop our award-winning cutting system,” says Oliver Zünd, CEO of Zünd Systemtechnik AG.