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Greece and Italy still valuable markets, says Autobond
Feb 15 2012 10:20:03 , 1062

Sheet-fed laminator manufacturer Autobond has recorded continuing success in Greece and Italy despite the economic problems affecting the two countries, with the company attributing the demand to printing companies bringing laminating work in house.


Recent installations include three Autobond Mini 105 thermal laminators, which can manage paper between 90 and 650gsm and up to 105 x 76cm in size, running up to 5,000 B1 sheets or 7,000 B2 sheets per hour. A Mini 76 laminator has also been sold to an Italian printer.


An Autobond Mini 76 laminator has recently been installed in Italy


"This is a trend that we've seen occur in each of the past three recessions," says Autobond managing director John Gilmore.


"When times are tight and companies examine the expense of the post-press work that they're sending out, they often decide to bring this in house to save on costs and increase their flexibility. In doing so, they find that they are also able to offer added value to their customers, something that is vital for retaining business in tough economic times."