Durst participates in a new seminar from the ITC.
The industrial equipment manufacturer, Durst, will participate in the seminar which will take place from 7th of January on, in the Ceramic Tecnology Institute of Castellón, with the objective of training specialists in the newest inkjet digital printing technology. The presence of Durst will allow imparting knowledge about the management of the printers. The seminar will be for practical knowledge in order to get our industry closer to all improvements concerning this decoration technique.
Thus, during the month of January will be developed this new training cycle which will be separated in two different and independent parts, that students may choose depending their particular knowledge and needs.
The first part, called “Photoshop applied to digital ceramic printing”, which target are professionals who want to initiate in the handling of this tool to generate printed images through the inkjet technology, as well as learn to detect and correct imperfections and deviations in tones”
The second part, is dedicated to “Image Control in Digital Ceramic Printing”, which target are professionals who want to expand their theoretical and practical knowledge in the decoration of ceramics tiles through inkjet printing systems. This program enlarge the agenda given during the first part, offering the most advanced aspects in color management, the influence of inks for obtaining registers, preparation of the image for printing, achieving optimal results at industrial scale.
The training begins the 7th of January and will be extended until 23rd, offering 25 teaching hours, divided in 7 sessions each part, including practical lessons.