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EFI tackles print ROI issue with new sign analytics system
Apr 09 2013 10:07:47 , 1231

The software recognises individual faces and how long they have looked at the display

EFI appears to be the first print manufacturer to transpose audience measurement technology across from digital signage with the launch of its SmartSign Analytics Monitoring System (SSA).

The system, announced last week at ISA in Las Vegas, uses a camera attached to a display to detect whether or not individual viewers are engaging with it and for how long. EFI's software then adds demographic information using algorithms to determine the viewer's age and gender, which the advertiser can use to assess the success of the placement. As with similar software seen in the digital out-of-home (DOOH) sector, no personal images are stored.

"Print can drive relevance, revenue and profit in the age of big data, and this technology demonstration can show how that will happen with signage," comments Mark McGowan, director of OPS products for EFI. "SSA has the potential to provide unprecedented insights on the best strategies and execution to drive retail sales."