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First-rate Expo Education Takes Specialty Imaging to the Next Level
Jul 11 2013 11:49:59 , 1245

The 2013 SGIA Expo (Orlando, October 23–25) is now just less than four months away. Exceptional education at the Expo allows attendees to learn from industry experts in the classic Expo sessions, and the opportunity to try their hand at a new process in the Expo-exclusive Zones on the show floor. But your Expo education doesn’t end there — attendees will be surrounded by specialty imaging’s best and brightest, eager to discuss your newfound knowledge.

Classic Expo Sessions
SGIA’s focused educational sessions offer the perfect mix of topics to meet the needs of your business. Customize your education line-up or choose from one of SGIA’s educational tracks tailored for your imaging community.

Zone Presentations
Whether you’re looking for more info about the latest digital technologies for garment decorating, color management, or installation, or perhaps you’re hoping to find the exact way to become profitable through sustainability or adding digital signage options, SGIA’s Zones have the free educational programming for you to get the job done — right on the bustling show floor.

Printed Electronics & Membrane Switch Symposium (October 22–23)
After last year’s overwhelming success, this renowned technical event is coming back to the SGIA Expo, and opening one day earlier! Here, you’ll find the most comprehensive and complete educational program for this rapidly growing segment of specialty imaging, focused on: Good manufacturing processes, through-hole printing, capacitive touch keypads, and more.

The Expo is the perfect way to expand on your professional goals, whether it's in SGIA’s 40-plus Expo education sessions, free presentations in the exciting Zones, the Printed Electronics Symposium, the sales-focused Keynote presentation, or all of the above!