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SunJet introduce non-food contact UV inkjet inks
Sep 30 2013 13:53:54 , 1086

SunJet introduce non-food contact UV inkjet inks

SunJet, the global inkjet division of Sun Chemical, is set to introduce Low Migration UV inkjet inks for the non-food contact side of primary food packaging.

The SunJet LM inkjet solution complies with the required components listed in Annex 6 of the Swiss Ordinance, Nestlé standards on materials in contact with food and Nestlé Guidance note on packaging inks.

This low migration inkjet technology has also been designed so that it can be utilised on a wide range of media such as PP and PE in the label sector, foil for food and pharma applications, and heat sensitive films for shrink sleeves, including an opaque white allowing for the use of clear substrates.